It’s been over 6 months since the Simple Six was first offered as a portfolio for consideration. So how has it done?
Well, here are some results. First, and most importantly, the portfolio’s return since March 10th was 6.16% as of this morning. With a ‘balanced’ portfolio like the Simple Six, we can expect that not all components will provide the same return. In fact, one would hope that the returns of the various components are uncorrelated, meaning that there should be relatively high probability that when one component decreases in value, there are other components that increase in value (hopefully, by more than the decrease).
So, the one component that experienced a decrease in value over the last 7 months was the Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond Index (VSB). It decreased by just under 0.5%. The best performing component for the period was Vanguard FTSE Canada All Cap Index ETF (VCN) with a return of 9.7%. Another good performing component was the Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT), coming in at 7.7%. The remaining 3 components generated between 1.3 and 4.9%.